Salam guys...
Firstly, sory lame tak update blog..
Last Thursday till Sunday..
Nie nak story sket ape yg terjadi and ape yg saya peroleh dari conference tersebut..
Dis was an international conference, organized by NAPSIPAG and UUM..
All the presentors were among the Proff, Dr. , and academicians in various field of study..
Tapi saya hanyalah seorang kerdil yang menjadi participant di conference tersebut.. =)
All the presentors and participants datangnye dari serata Asia Pacific..
From Australia, India, Philippine, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Brunei, Malaysia....etc..
First day till last day, we all semua berkongsi input, talk and discussion on various kind of topic..
Among the topics yang dibincangkan bersama adalah, HUMAN CAPITAL, HIGHER EDUCATION, GOOD GOVERNANCE, E-GOVERNMENT, GENDER ISSUES and many more..
Discussion sebegini bersama kalangan orang bijak pandai, sangat2 menarik..
Saya bertukar2 hall tuk dengar setiap perbincangan yang dijalankan..
Nape saya kata sangat menarik??
Sebab it refresh back semua yang saya study di UIA dulu...
Seriously best!!!
Rindu sangat nak blajar POLITICAL SCIENCE..
Most of the topics yang all the academicians nie discussed, memg relate dengan POLITICAL SCIENCE, and my current job..
We all discussed on how to create a good governance, problems faced by the government, how to solve all these problems..
In terms of higher education plak, most of the presentors presented on current issues yg happened in their countries..
Ade yang higher education plak in certain countries, their govt macam tak berape bantu sgt tuk promote a gud higher education in the country..
Ade plak yang govt memg dah support 90% tuk higher education, tapi still tak ramai citizens yang further study..
Illiteracy rate pon still quite high in countries like INDIA, BANGLADESH..
Meanwhile, our country nye system in education or governance, mendapat pujian drpd most of the participant and presentors dat day..
They all puji yang our MALAYSIA, sangat2 mementingkan education and a very good governance system..
Keep up the gud job, MALAYSIA!!
- Personally, saya dapat banyak ilmu and input kat cnie..
- Saya dapat great networking wif all the academicians..
- They all tak sombong nak share ilmu and experiences..
- Dapat belajar banyak languages ( selain english)..
- Sangat kagum dengan kesungguhan dan kerja kuat peserta2 dari INDIA..They all sangat cepat and tangkas bergerak tuk bantu sesame peserta tak kira dari INDIA or negara lain..Malaysian people shud buang all perasaan "malas la tlg..biar je la die, die leh buat sendiri..lantak la die, bukan hal aku"..NOT GUD, OK??!!
- If saya dijemput sekali lagi tuk hadir dis conference next year, saya dengan rela hatinya nak datang lagi!!
- Nak improve my knowledge, experiences..
- Banyak input leh bantu saya in my ceramah.. =)
So guys, kita semua dialu2kan tuk mencari ilmu tak kira di mana jua kita berada..
Walau sampai ke negara CHINA sekalipun..
Tuntutlah ilmu kerana ianya sangat digalakkan dan dituntut oleh AGAMA..
~ ~