to my dearest nenex..
weh..publish ar satu dua post..bile lagi? u noe wat,sometimes ko akan rase free sgt2 after u write any kind of story,tragedy,experience or pape je la kat blog da same time ko bg gak kat org len to share pe yg ko rase,alami n aku mengalu2 kan kdtgn ko ke alam blog pon aku start dari my buddy from uia dulu..from her la i started to have a blog and hopefully by having dis blog, leh improve kan penulisan kesusasteraan aku yg makin pudar since masuk, "jgn tgu lama2..nnt lama2..aku diambil org"......heheheheh...xde kene mengene ek lagu tu dgn isu aku arini? kuikuikui........i want to thank u 4 evrything..brape lame dah ek kite kwn?jap aku kire............form 4 aku officially rapat dgn ko ar kan..coz previously ko dgn mereka....tutttt!!!! so klu nak diikutkan dari pengiraan aku yg lemah math nie, 7 thn lbeh dah ar kite bergelar kwn..ko bkn takat kwn aku je nek..dah mcm kakak aku dah pon..(even kdg2 aku lebih kakak dr ko.. heheh) mcm2 yg kite dah lalui ek..aku phm ko, ko phm je kwn baek, tp sorg kat utara kl, sorg kat selatan melaka..ade ke patot! ko byk tlg aku..ingat lg time aku kat SMAKL and ko kat KISAS..ade je chance, aku sure menyeludup kuar asrama and balek umah ko..hahah..tau dek ustaz kamarul,cuak!! then bile masing2 dah dpt result SPM, aku dh dpt agak yg kite akan continue berjauhan..ko gi USM and aku gi UIA..i want to be honest wif u today nek..since ko kat USM all dis while, aku jeles sgt kat ko coz ko de kwn2 yg bek kat sane..aku mcm yg ko tau,byk dugaan yg menimpa aku dlm fwenship aku dulu2 aku x dpt rase nikmat berkawan time 2 thn awal aku kat uia..sampai la aku jumpe si minah edot, mimi n majidah..they teach me a lot..dgn dorg la aku br rase pe tu fwenship mcm mane yg aku dok rase dgn ko selama nie..though ko jaoh dr aku, ko x leh ditandingi nek.. :) and in da same time aku bersyukur kat ALLAH coz ko ade gak kwn2 yg bek jage ko kat USM tu..
now ni both of us dah keje..n makin jarang n pyh la kite nak jumpe kan..tgh2 ko cuti nie leh la gak aku bermanje dgn ko..wek2!...nnt dah bkak skul, ko pon bz dgn anak2 murid ko..aku berdoa sgt 1 day nnt aku dpt antar my babies kat they all akn rase "kegarangan" aunty tikah merangkap cikgu dorang..heheh.......sory la if aku "layan" plak arini..bukan pe, i agree wif ur statement..kwn and family susah nak cari...kan nek?..ape pon relationship yg kite ade now nie, kene la kite appreciate..aku ingatkan diri aku gak n to all my love..... :)
to my dear mimi..
congrats dear..haa..dah jadi tunangan org nie kan, kne kurg2 kan kenakalan anda..hehe..nakal ke? hepi sgt bile mimi dah engaged, kene start prepare tuk hari besar anda..kene byk bersabar dlm tempoh pertunangan nie..mcm org2 tua slalu ckp, "darah manis"..i'll alwiz pray for ur happiness..both of u..if u need me, let me noe ek..i'll try my best to go to kl..haa...bridesmaid sudi menurut perintah tuanku puteri.. :)
to my dear edot..
counting days.....cant wait to hv u back dear!! best ek jd org kaye cam ko nie dot..sane cnie leh terbang..aku gak yg takat lepas terbang ke katil je..hahah......mimi dah engaged to her kasim! ko wif ali bile lak..aku nie mmg tgu turn je turn yg lambaaaaaaaat la sgt..nenex aku kat atas tu pon lom lepas lg..ko pon kene la aku continue "beratur"... :p
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

gonna miss u bu, bah, ira...(sory xde pic ira kat cnie)..ibu, abh n ira are going to Bukit Tinggi, Indon la..sdeh tau bile kitorg yg lelain nie ditinggalkan..nak wat!!! duit nya enggak cukup!! hahah...tapikan aku dah bg ibu abh jd "jutawan segera n sementara"..berjuta2 rupiah tau..ape2 pon,aku doakan ibu, abh n ira selamat pegi n selamat sampai..really gonna miss u all tau..
actually im so hepi coz bukan senang tuk ibu abh dpt gi jln2 jaoh camni..we all bkn la kerabat diraja..cukop serba-serbi gitu aje..sure ibu abh leh tersenyum now nie kan..anak-anak dh membesar..yg dh keje pon so far dpt la bg ibu abh n adek2 merase hasil kerja keras aku n dekngah mmg work hard sgt..i noe.......................doakan rezeki kaklong murah ye dekngah..mane leh klong tlg,i'll help u..i'll try my amy n ira klu xnak susah bile dah besar nnt, blaja la rajin2 from now..both of u leh pk..klu nak merase idop senang, better study hard n dun play2 lg!! amy, next year ingat!! no more futsal!!!!!!! hahahahahah........... =)
tadi lunch wif my usual witout dekngah..dunno y, "kerak teking" sgt..(actually it's "tekak kering"..kind of feeling mcm x terluah je rase sdeh tu..)..aku tgk je muke ibu abh..aku kiss pp ira byk kali td..rase mcm jaoh..............................maybe coz they're going to indon kot..dah lame sgt x rase camni since ibu abh balek haji dulu..hope everythg'll b fine..uwwaaaaaaaa.....nape sebak sgt nie............................................. =(
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
-=meaningful times=-

epi anniversary Syg!! pejam celik..pejam celik..2 years dh our relationship nie kan..excuse me..actually 5 years dh pon kite nie..but dis 2 years time yg betol2 i rite, Syg? hehe..dis pic (yg bwh)has been taken during my 1st visit to Cameron Highlands..year 2006..(gemok kan aku dat time?)and dat was da moment where aku diperkenalkan kat his parents and other family members..hahah..tuhan saje yg tau betapa ketarnye aku dat time..hmm....wat am i suppose to write ek?just wanna say dat i thank to Allah coz letting me 2 noe u all dis while..though sejak dulu lg byk sgt dugaan n rintangan 4 both of us nak really2 kekalkan our relationship nie..sape la aku nie dulu pon kat Syg kan..huhuh..Syg yg aku kenal is a very very very simple guy..even sumtime aku mcm x berape paham sgt dgn Syg nie..yet i still try my best to understand him..3 principles in our relationship( love, loyalty, understanding )..he teaches me a many new meaningful things and moments..aku tau yg aku nie memg pyh tuk dipahami..hei mimi..sape kate nad nie simple orgnye?? heheh..simple2 complicated yg lebih byk kot..
since aku kenal Syg, my life berubah..berubah sgt2..u noe me kan Syg..sape aku dulu, nak compare dgn now nie, ALLAH yg Maha Mengetahui..and aku bersyukur sgt2 dgn diri aku yg now nie..yg paling aku rase seronok sgt dlm mase 2 years ni dgn Syg is my study naek sgt2..i mean, my prestasi la kan..dari dulu seorg student yg alwiz kene jumpe dgn Tunku Mohar (hehe..sir mesti ingat lagi kan?) coz x siap assgmnt la, bad result la, itu la, ini la....sampai la ke seorg student yg alwiz la gak among da top scorers in d class..tu pon klu Majidah n Mimi yg bijaksana tu xde la kan..ahakksss!!! aku memg x caye dgn pe yg jadi kat aku..n honestly aku mnyesal dgn 2 thn yg pertama aku kat UIA dulu..aku x belajar..aku main2..aku x sedar diri!! lupe tanggungjwb aku as a a daughter yg supposedly study hard!! aku leka sgt2..but then everything changed..klu la aku dpt tukar balek pe yg jadi..aku nak study hard sgt2..i noe my result can be much much better than wat ive now nie.. =)
betol pe yg aku dengar, bace, blaja dulu.."x de org yg dapat mengubah naseb diri die melainkan diri die sendiri"..yes..aku memg agree wif dat statement..though i hv Syg, its actually my own effort to change to be a better person n daughter..Syg alwiz there when i need my gud fwens and of course my family..(thanx 2 ibu yg alwiz berleter 24 hours)..ibu slalu cakap, "klu ibu xcamni, kamu x jadi orang skang nie"..haa.....dulu aku slalu x phm dgn ayat ibu now, bile dah jadi somebody, yes aku phm sgt2..and now, aku jeles tgk Syg n Edot yg still study lg tu ha..and i wish to further my study in da future..amin!!
aku harap dis relationship will maintain and sampai le ke........jinjang pelamin??hahah...typical punye ayat ek??amin..amin..dun wanna loose him..never!! xtau le pe jadi kat aku klu Syg x de..stop!!!!x mo ckp yg bukan2, nad! Syg slu marah klu aku "mengarot"..and nanti start la die x nak lyn aku..sampai le die rase die dah ok n aku dh stop saying rubbish!hehe..syg..syg..bile kite dok sorang2 camni, memg slalu nak tersenyum sorg2 la..kdg2 bende yg kite x suke tu, sbenarnye leh watkan kite tersenyum bile kenangkan balek..
anyway...hope Syg cepat sehat..and thanx a lot all dis while bg a little space 4 me..i noe im not da best..yeah!!memg aku slalu buat hal pon..may ALLAH bless u Syg n our relationship nie..
p/s: to Dr. Dan, hope ur wife we'll b ok..b strong and pray to ALLAH..HE noes da best 4 His servant..
Monday, December 15, 2008
one word je yg aku nak sebot pas bace blog sane cnie yg non-stop saying bout our politics nowadays..RIMAS!!!!!!......famous quest yg akan aku tanye kat diri aku sendiri pas bace all those blogs,"sape yg salah?" a malay, aku syg dis country..syg sampai tahap takot dgn pe yg makin menjadi2 nowadays..bygkan if...if la kan..if kite nie "terbuang" entah ke mane mana kite nak gi? kite nak gi indonesia?org sane lg dok dtg msia nie hah..nak gi spore? melayu spore pon dah "sakit" kat sane tue..aku tau sape la diri aku nie..just aku nak menyeru semua youth kat msia nie..wake up!!!!!..jgn amek ringan dgn pe yg jadi now..org2 kat luar tu dok maki hamun org melayu, perlaga-lagakan melayu dengan cina n india..hei!! kite ni idop dlm negara yg berbilang kaum..even each bangsa nak mempertahan bangsa masing2, no need la sampai nak bergadoh2 kan..sory la klu aku mcm over plak kat cnie..bukan pe..really sad wif wat had happen nowadays nie..................n psl politics plak, no comment..coz actually kite "tau" dgn pe yg jadi just kite takot tuk terlalu amek tau bout it..peace no war!
-=Cuti-cuti Malaysia=-



my family dtg melaka last wik..actually it was an unplanned holiday in melaka..lagi pon dekngah tgh de kursus induksi though he's also in melaka time we managed to go around melaka until sabtu aritu..there were so many places yg actually klu nak diikutkan i dah pon memandangkan tmpt2 tu aku pegi zmn masih berhingus lagi la byk tmpt yg we all gi dat day yg aku mcm dah x basically byk le respond such as "la..x tau la plak ke sbenarnye gini??.." and many more respond gile..heheh..mcm yg ibu kate kat abh la kan, "bang, kene bwk dorg ni gi tmpt2 bersejarah camni..along tu pon nak mantapkan lg sejarah die"..haa....tetibe aku plak yg kene!! memg betol pon..bile dipikirkan balek, buat pe la kite nak sebok sgt gi overseas sane cni 4 holiday..unless la klu u all memg dah abes jln semua tmpt kat msia nie kan..honestly, i feel so proud being msian!byk sgt sbenarnye tmpt2 kat msia nie yg cantek2 n patot kite gi da time kitorg gi istana Melaka (it's actually a museum), i feel like.............................................gayat kot??rase mcm best sgt klu de kat zmn dulu2..where melaka as we noe as da most famous pusat perdagangan la kan..melaka kaya dgn hasil2 dagangan..our language,culture,religion and many more..suddenly aku terpikir..y melaka n tanah melayu yg gilang-gemilang dulu, dah x mcm now nie??hmm....kene pikir betol2 dat prob..byk lagi tmpt yg kitorg gi..perigi hang tuah,muzium maritim,muzium TUDM,kota A Famosa,muzium kemerdekaan,and da best moment yg i xkan lupe is dat, aku dpt snap pic wif Laksamana Hang Tuah!!(his replika pon actually =) )..haa..kitorg sempat gak naek Menara Taming Sari..finally!! best sgt2 coz kite dpt tgk Melaka from d,we all naek lagi Eye on Msia..melaka..melaka..melaka..i admit, by visiting melaka, kite mcm dah visit 1 malaysia sebaik2nye kite bwk2 la diri nie gi jenjalan gak other places kat msia nie kan..not enuf actually by pusing2 serata melaka nie..byk lagi tmpt yg i nak gi lg kat melaka nie and.........................i alwiz doakan my Syg cepat2 sehat..i miss to go here and there wif him!!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
my 1st day..

hahah..nie semua inspired by mimi la nie..tetibe lak nak de blog sendiri kan..nothing much to say at dis moment..being bored in d office while waiting and waiting and waiting 4 my boss since morning..but then br dpt tau yg boss "cuti" la..his besday actually today..epi besday boss! little sis is wif me since last nite..ibu abah otw to melaka from seremban..we'll continue our cuti2 msia here..heheh..wokait..time 2 go back home!! 1..2..3..
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